Katherine Hyett
06/09/2018 15:00

There is plenty of literature about the success (or failure!) rates of interviews in predicting performance. Working in recruitment you sometimes wonder if interviews are adding value to the process, especially for internal hires. The temptation is to think of recruitment as a very linear process - attraction, selection, offer and induction. This fails to consider the importance of attraction across all of these stages. Interviews are incredibly valuable for the candidate - assuming standard working hours (which, lets face it, not many of us do nowadays...working on commutes, checking emails late at night etc) we spend about 40% of our waking hours at work. It is too easy for employers to become complacent and assume their employee brand is strong enough to attract and retain the best candidates. When we design the interview process just as much thought should be put into communicating why the candidate should want the role or want to work for the organisation as to the questions used to select the appropriate candidate. Each unsuccessful candidate should go away as an advocate for your organisation, each internal candidate should go away aspiring to contribute more to the organisation. A face to face interview is the perfect opportunity to sell your opportunity. 

I would be interested to hear what people have done to strengthen their interview process and whether internal talent teams are training hiring managers and creating opportunities to enhance their candidate experience.


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